34 weeks!

Happy Hump Day!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! These past two weeks for me have been pretty rough. I am still working eight hour days and on my feet for the majority of the time. Luckily, my feet haven’t swelled up, probably due to the fact I try to drink 80-100 ounces of water while working. Have to stay hydrated in this summer heat! However, my sciatica has gotten better but now my mid backaches, hips are spreading, groin hurts, and lots of pressure. So all of the pregnancy fun symptoms are happening altogether. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

I did, however, go to the doctors today and everything seems to be going great! That pesky scale though is terrifying, like why are doctor scales always three pounds heavier than the ones at home? I don’t get it, and I try not to wrap my head around it too much but, it can be hard. At least the doctor didn’t say anything about my weight and continues to say I look great. Baby Teagans heartbeat is perfect, and her head is still down! Oh, I asked the doctor to put me on six-hour work days instead of eight, so hopefully, that will help! Plus, this will help me avoid traffic driving home, haha!

Last night, we did a tour of the hospital which was a relief of some stress and nerves. It’s nice being able to see where we need to go when the time comes, and the rooms we will be giving birth in and the recovery. I like how they do not have a separate nursery for babies they stay with the parents unless there is something medically wrong then they will take the baby. So no switching at birth here, haha! I think my only two complaints would be the parking, and the room size once they move you from the labor and delivery room, is a little small. At least we won’t be there forever, only a day or two, give or take. Also, all of the hospital staff seems very friendly, so it has a nice welcoming vibe.

As the weeks keep dwindling down, the more excited I become. We still need to put the car seat in the car and get a few more essentials, like bottles, but we are working on it. Also, I still need to wash some of her clothes, and figure out what outfit I want her to come home in. I have two more weeks of work left, and six more weeks until we get to meet our little Teagan. It’s crazy to think how fast time actually goes by.

Well, thanks again for catching up with me. Next week or two, I will talk about what I need/should bring in our hospital bags. Any recommendations on what you brought or wish you did bring with you to the hospital are welcomed. Fourth of July is next week, so I hope you all have a great holiday, be safe, and can’t wait to catch up with you next time!

Toodles loves


  1. You look great mama! Hang in there, the end is getting nearer! 🙌🏼😁 Also, a huuuge need for me with our babies is those infant gowns!! If you don’t have any I highly recommend them! They’re open at the bottom and they make nighttime changes so simple and quick!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks lady!! And Yesss, I have some! Luckily one of Ryan’s aunt had two little girls and they are done with children so they are giving me all of their clothes!! It’s been such a blessing and they gave me some!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is fantastic! My sister & a family friend had lots of little boy clothes for me with Colton and it was SO amazing! I’m still getting things from them web now that he’s almost 2!


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